A full scholarship to exceptional students
The Caroline Scholars Program is a four-year scholarship program for first-year, full-time undergraduate students with a passion for social justice. This highly selective program provides challenging academic work, leadership development, service learning opportunities and financial assistance that covers full tuition, food and housing.
**Application deadline was January 17th, 2025.
Each year, Caroline Scholars:
- receive funding that covers 100% of tuition.*
- receive funding that covers the cost of a standard room in the residence hall (including meal plan).**
- live in a learning community in the residence hall with other Caroline Scholars.
- develop an awareness of social justice issues, learn ways to make a difference, and discover abilities and sensitivities around social issues.
- enroll in a special 2 credit course (Leadership Seminar - HUM 338) with fellow Caroline Scholars every semester.
- complete 300 hours of academic service learning each year and experience the real life social justice issues discussed in the classroom.
*Caroline Scholars are responsible for the cost of student fees and books.
**Caroline Scholars are required to live on campus all four years as part of the program.
Program Eligibility
To be eligible for the Caroline Scholars Program, you must:
- be entering Mount Mary as an incoming first-year student.
- have a cumulative, unweighted GPA of 3.5 or higher.
- be accepted to Mount Mary University as a full-time student, without provisional conditions.
- be involved in extracurricular and service-related activities in high school and in the community.
How to Apply for the Caroline Scholars Program
1. Apply to Mount Mary. Caroline Scholarship applicants must be accepted to Mount Mary University. All admissions materials must be submitted by Friday, January 17, 2025 (4:30 p.m. CST). Earlier submissions are encouraged.
2. Submit the Caroline Scholars Application - Applications are now closed.
Essay: When responding to this essay question, please keep in mind the following definition of social justice: “Advocating for fairness, impartiality, and equality while addressing systemic social and environmental issues.” The Caroline Scholars Program is dedicated to building leaders who are committed to improving social quality of community life. Scholars engage in discussions on causes and resolutions to social justice issues. Identify a social justice issue about which you are passionate and explain how becoming a Caroline Scholar could help you work to more fully understand and combat that issue. We encourage you to share your community and/or volunteer experience(s) in your response.
Resume of high school and community activities, identifying up to 10 extracurricular, service activities, or work experiences that best represent you. Please include Organization name, dates of involvement, positions held, description of activity and how it relates to social justice. This document should be in a resume format and information can be presented as bullet-points.
4. Two letters of recommendation are required:
- One letter of recommendation from a current teacher
- One letter of recommendation from a supervisor of one of your listed activities from your resume
5. Complete an on-campus interview (selected students). Finalists will be required to come to campus for a 30 minute, in-person interview with the scholarship selection committee.
Learn More
Contact our Admissions Office
If you have any questions about applying to the Caroline Scholars Program, contact Vanessa Vásquez, Director of the Caroline Scholars Program at vasquezm@mtmary.edu or via phone 414-930-3119.
or our Caroline Scholars Coordinator, Yayuko Thao at thaoy@mtmary.edu or via phone / text 414-930-3114.
Follow us on Instagram
Get a behind-the-scenes look at the Caroline Scholars Program: @mmucarolinecholars

I really enjoy intentionally placing myself throughout the Milwaukee community and learning how I can be a better advocate for change, community, and peace in my home city. I am so honored to not only serve, but to BE SERVED through the interactions I’ve had with everyone I’ve met.
Mary Parlier