Read What Our Study Abroad Alums Have Published

Our journeys take us around the world to places like France, Italy, Peru, Costa Rica, Spain, and many more! Read what our students have published about their experiences. 

Kennedi, recently returned from a semester in Italy, took to LinkedIn to share her experience.  

The Mount Mary University Magazine wrote an article about the 2024 faculty-led program to Ireland & Northern Ireland in .  Students and faculty had a chance to share photos and express the impact of the program on their knowledge of 'the Troubles.' Read Page 14 & 15 for the full story.  

Mary, a Secondary Math Education Major and a Spanish Minor, studied abroad abroad with the faculty-led program to Guatemala.  She wrote a reflection which was published School Sisters of Notre Dame Connections Newsletter.  Scroll to Page 5 to read Mary's impactful writing.  

Olivia studied abroad in Cusco, Peru in Fall 2019.  Jenia studied abroad in Seville, Spain in Spring 2020.  Arches reporter Yen Bui wrote an article detailing their different experiences abroad.  

Jordan, a Merchandise Management Major, studied abroad on a faculty-led program to France in 2019.  She published her own blog and submitted an article to Arches, our Mount Mary Student Run Publication.  

Nina, also a Merchandise Management Major, studied abroad on a faculty-led program to Italy in 2019.  She submitted several articles to Arches, detailing her program in Italy and her different adventures

Amelia, a Dietetics major, studied abroad on a faculty-led program to Costa Rica in 2019.  She submitted a recipe for Sopa Negra to Arches, with the hope that our community would learn more about Costa Rica's food culture.