Past Summer Leadership Academies

"I feel that I have gained new leadership skills, strengthened my confidence, and left my comfort zone by making new friends and talking to new people."
~ Past Summer Leadership Academy participant

plain_sla_logo.jpgThe Center for Women's Leadership reimagined the summer leadership program and in 2018 created the Summer Leadership Academy for high school students. This Academy brings together high school girls from across the U.S. to campus for a residential college-prep, career exploration, and leadership program. Mount Mary excels at developing confident women, and reaching them at an even earlier age through the Academy will help ensure successful futures for these young women on whatever path they take.

For more information about next year’s Summer Leadership Academy, visit

Check Out Facts and Photos from Past Academies







Summer Leadership Academy 2019

Nursing Elective

Summer Leadership Academy 2019

Graphic Design Elective

Summer Leadership Academy 2019

SLA Welcome Session

Summer Leadership Academy 2019


Summer Leadership Academy 2019

2019 Peer Mentors